Registration & Orientation

As a contestant in Rocky Mountain Bootblack (RMBB), you must report to registration/orientation at:


Upon arrival, a Contestant Handler will assist you in registration and other details/schedules for your participation in the contest. Bring at least one piece of legal photo identification (driver’s license, passport) with you to Registration/Orientation.

You will be introduced to various RMBB staff members and your Contestant Handlers.

Contestant orientation will be scheduled immediately following registration. Weekend events will be discussed, your questions will be answered and you will pick your contestant number. Your contestant number determines:

  • the order you appear on stage at the RMBB contest

  • the order in which you appear for your interview

  • the order you appear for your speech

Met and Greet:

The purpose of this event is to introduce the judges and the contestants to the public.

What you choose to wear for this event is optional. There will be time to socialize with contestants and judges.

Travel Fund Baskets/Silent Auction Items:

Contestants are expected to provide travel fund baskets/silent auction items (as per the contest rules) and promote for donations throughout the weekend event to raise travel funds for the title year. Detailed information located in the contest rules.

Boot Black Stands:

Contestants are expected to bootblack at the bootblack stands during the event. See the Boot Black Stands section on this webpage.

Opening Ceremonies:

During Opening Ceremonies you will be lined up by contestant number and will be introduced.

The specifics on stage directions will be covered in your rehearsal time.

These general guidelines may change, but are presented here to give you an idea of the simple staging. Specific staging instructions will be given at the rehearsal.

Contestants are guided by staff to the event, prepared by staff prior to walking on stage, and met by staff upon exiting the stage.

Your choice of attire is optional. This is a more casual appearance, wear what would you wear to the leather bar to make an impression.


During Contest you will be lined up by contestant number and will be introduced.

Each contesant will will make their speech in their Formal Wear/Leather Identity.

Final Ceremonies:

During Final Ceremonies, you will be lined up by contestant number and will be introduced.

Contestant attire for the Final Ceremonies is Formal Wear/Leather Identity.

Your "Personal Bootblacking" boots will be on display at this time.

The new titleholder for the 2022 Rocky Mountain Bootblack will be announced after contestant introductions.


Contestants are expected to be at their stand for time slots scheduled by the Rocky Mountain Bootblack (RMBB) production staff.

Contestant are expected to maintain their own schedule of customers. The RMBB staff will not organize this for you. You are welcome to have a private helper with you.

Each contestant will be provided with a bootblack stand and chair.

Tipping is encouraged and all tips belong to the bootblacks to use or keep as they see fit. RMBB will not manage, collect or be responsible for tips.

A locked ballot box will be placed by your stand with your name and contestant number displayed. Attendees may use their ballots to vote for you during the Friday and Saturday stand times. After the stands close each night you will verify the ballots received with a member of the RMBB staff. Ballots will be placed in an envelope and sealed in your presence. You and a member of the RMBB staff will sign the sealed envelope.


Contestants in the Rocky Mountain Bootblack Contest will be scored in the following categories:

Interview with Judges

(150 points)

During the interview category, the judges will direct questions to the contestants. These questions may address any aspect of bootblacking, Leather history, BDSM, and the contestant’s specific life. Contestants are not required to have a formal “platform” however, questions from the judges regarding any specific plans or goals the contestants might have should they win the title are quite appropriate. The interview process is closed.

Interpersonal Skills

(75 points)

Contestants will be observed by the judges throughout the weekend and will be judged on how they interact and present themselves as a bootblack to the public. Each contestant will be judged on their interpersonal interactions and proficiency including attitude, friendliness, courtesy, and cooperativeness both while shining and when in other social situations.

Technical Skills

(100 points)

Full leather, lace-up, military-style combat/jump boots capable of holding a high shine polish will be provided. These boots should not need cobbler-type repairs or major resurrection. All boots will be assigned a number and contestants will draw a number to randomly select the boots that they will work on. The contestant will be required to clean and shine one boot of the pair. Contestants will be given time overnight to work on their boots. Only the contestant is allowed to work on the boot. Upon turn in, the boots will be inspected by the judges. The contestant must provide all necessary supplies for this task. Judges will also evaluate technical skills while contestants are bootblacking over the course of the contest.

Personal Bootblacking

(125 points)

Each contestant will have the opportunity to personally bootblack for 2 randomly selected judges. This random draw will happen at the same time as the contestant number draw. Drawn judge names will remain anonymous to the contestant. If the judge has a personal relationship with the contestant another judge will be selected by the producers. The personal bootblack will be up to 30 minutes with each judge. This will occur either Friday or Saturday during the event weekend. The contestant will be scored on the following: bootblacking passion, intensity, technical skill, connection, and overall experience. Additional judges may observe the personal bootblacking as part of the contestant's overall score.


(100 points)

Contestants will give a 60-90 second speech on a topic of their choice during either the Friday or Saturday night event ceremonies. It is suggested that the speech conveys who you are, your platform or why you are competing. The speech should be memorized.

Formal Wear/Leather Identity Presentation (50 points)

The contestants will also be judged on their formal leather wear/ leather identity presentation during the onstage speech. Formal wear is what the contestant would wear to a formal leather event and does not necessarily have to be made of leather. Leather identity presentation is how the contestant feels they can best authentically represent themselves as a bootblack. The contestant is free to choose between formal wear and leather identity presentation.